Gas can sometimes be uncomfortable and inconvenient too. It is possible to get rid of stomach gas with the help of some home remedies.
Changing your diet and the way you eat can be great for the prevention of gas. Chew your food more slowly and thoroughly and avoid eating too fast. If you do not chew your food properly and eat too fast, it will result in accumulation of gas, as you tend to swallow a lot of air when you eat fast.
By changing your diet, you can do a great deal toward reducing your pain from digestive problems. Many foods contain bacteria that are actually good for your intestine and will help it work more efficiently. You also need to watch the food you eat as some foods cause a lot of gas. Avoid foods that may cause indigestion. Foods such as cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, and beans cause gas, so avoid, or minimize these in your diet. Avoid consuming foods such as dairy products, soda content drinks, beer, and other food products that cause stomach gas.
1. Garlic
The most significant home remedy for gas is garlic soup. Garlic helps to increase digestion and reduces formation of intestinal gas. Grind together little garlic with black pepper, coriander seeds, and little water. Then boil it and take in two divided doses.
2. Yoghurt
Add yogurt in your daily diet. Yogurt contains beneficial bacteria that aid digestion. Make a habit of eating yogurt, sour cream, and other fermented dairy products.
3. Ginger
Ginger root is good medicine for many discomforts including intestinal gas. Ginger root contains digestive enzymes and stimulates saliva production. Eating ginger pieces with salt throughout the day will keep you away from gas problems. Alternatively mix ginger powder with a pinch of rock salt and a pinch of asafoetida and a cup of water and drink it. Drink ginger tea after meals, it will promote proper digestion.
4. Coconut water
Drinking coconut water is very effective for intestinal gas problems.
5. Parsley
The parsley herb helps to aid digestion, expel gas, and freshen breath. Make parsley tea as a home remedy for stomach gas, or chew a few parsley leaves after a meal.
6. Celery
Celery seeds may help reduce intestinal gas and hence, alleviate a nervous stomach. Chewing some celery seeds would help in releasing the blocked gas for getting relief from stomach bloating.
7. Ginger & garlic
Ginger and garlic combination is very effective for gas problems. Take 3 cloves of garlic and some pieces of ginger in the morning in an empty stomach.
8. Tomato
Daily intake of tomato salad with your food is very helpful to get rid of gas. If you eat tomato with black salt then it will be more effective.
9. Peppermint
Peppermint is used to aid in digestion and soothe an upset stomach. It helps expel gas from the digestive system.
10. Cinnamon
Boil powered cinnamon in a glass of water. Take this while it is warm at least half an hour before your meal. This will help prevent the intestinal gas formation.
11. Basil
Eating basil leaf paste with water is very helpful for gas and indigestion problems.
12. Ginger & Lemon
After your meals, chew up some pieces of ginger that is soaked in lemon juice to cure stomach gas.
13. Fennel oil
If you experience gas pain then you can massage some fennel oil on your belly to relieve the gas pain.
14. Relax
Stress is one of the major causes of gas formation. So, try to relax and take your mind off tension.
15. Exercise
It is possible to stimulate the passage of gas through the digestive tract by maintaining a regular exercise program in the form of walking, jogging, and aerobics. If the stomach gas problem is severe, perform chest-to-knee stretches to drive out painful gas. Yoga is also very helpful in relieving and controlling stomach gas problems.
16. Turmeric leaves
Drinking Chopped turmeric leaves with a cup of milk is one of the effective home remedies for gas..
17. Guava Leaves
Another simple and easy home remedy for gas is : Boil Guava leaves in water, strain and drink the water.
18. Potato
Potato juice is excellent remedy for stomach gas. Drink half a cup of it, an hour before meals. This can be done thrice a day.
19. Baking Soda
For instant relief from stomach gas trouble drink baking soda with water. Take 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda (not baking powder) and stir it in 1 glass of water. This is one of the conventional home remedies for gas and it is widely used as an effective antacid.
20. Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar has many health benefits, it is use as an effective home remedy for many health conditions. It is also an instant relief home remedies for gas.
Take a glass of warm water, mix 2 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and let it cool. Consume it when it comes to room temperature.
21. Asafoetida ( hing in hindi )
Can also be used as a home remedy for gas trouble. Take a glass of warm water add a pinch of asafoetida in it. Mix well and drink it.
Brandy for gas relief : Mix two tsp. of brandy to a glass of warm water and drink it before going to bed.
22. Dill oil
Dill oil is extracted from seeds, leaves and stem of a Dill plant which is a herb. Its has got properties that brings it among the home remedies for gas.
Take one tsp. of honey and add a drop of Dill oil to it. Consume it after every meal. This provide relief from gas trouble. Please note Dill oil is not recommended for pregnant women.
23. Charcoal
Charcoal tablets are good home remedies for gas. Taking one charcoal tablet before and after meal is really helpful in subsiding gas and acidity. Charcoal attracts the excess gas from the intestine.
All these home remedies for gas trouble will bring out better results if following lifestyle alterations are maintained:
Avoid physical inactivity. Incorporate exercise in daily routine in order to avoid stomach gas trouble.
Avoid dairy and poultry products like eggs and milk
Don't eat food hastily, chew your food properly. Chewing helps the food to breakdown and digest fast.
Sip your drinks directly from the glass and avoid using straw. Drinking with straw make you swallow more air
Don't go to sleep immediately after eating.
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