Stomach worms in adults
Even though it is children who are more
vulnerable to stomach worms or intestinal worms, adults do also get affected by
worms. Having under cooked meat or drinking polluted water can cause intestinal
worm infection in adults. Consuming uncooked vegetables and fruits without
washing properly can also cause stomach worm problem in adults. However
symptoms of intestinal worms differ in adults.
What are Intestinal Worms?
Intestinal parasites are parasites that populate the gastro-intestinal tract in humans and other animals. They can live throughout the body, but most prefer the intestinal wall. Intestinal worms may further give rise to many other symptoms which are troublesome and which may lead to severe complications and diseases. This is not only a common problem with children but adults are also infected with it. Whenever person complain of:
- Pain around stomach
- Loss of appetite
- Growth has stopped (in case of children)
- Eyes look pale (the eyes will look whitish)
In any of the above mentioned points, first of all try and find out about worms.
How to Detect Worms in Intestines?
When pressed on the point on the outer side in the middle of the smallest toe or last finger of any of the legs or palms, if pain is observed, it is an indication of the presence of worms. In case of worms, the children even get ear infection and in that case, point no. 16 of lymph gland will be found to be tender and paining.
Home remedies for stomach worms in adults
- Garlic is the most effective remedy for intestinal worms in adults. Garlic should be eaten raw for better results. Eat garlic with rice, bread or any other food. Eating few cloves of garlic early morning for few days would help you get rid of stomach worms. Garlic would make the environment difficult for worms, and would slowly eliminate them.
- Asafetida is another remedy for stomach worms. Have asafetida in empty stomach. Mix it with warm water and have. If you are using asafetida powder, have a half teaspoonful in warm water. This is very effective. Use asafetida in vegetable dishes and pickles.
- Eating carrots for breakfast helps eliminate worm infection. Eat grated carrot alone for breakfast for few days. Do not have tea or other food items other than carrot for break fast. Continue this for few days. Stomach worms will be washed out of your body
- Pineapple juice taken early morning in empty stomach would save you from stomach worms. Have pineapple juice for 10 days. Intestinal worms would be eliminated
- Eat pumpkin with seeds for breakfast. It can be eaten raw or cooked. It is more effective if eaten raw. Have this for breakfast (do not eat other foods) for 3 to 4 days. Stomach worms will be expelled from the body.
- Drinking boiled water with rock salt would also help you get rid of intestinal worms. Put half a teaspoon of rock salt into boiled water and have it early morning for seven days. Have breakfast only after 2 hours of drinking this water. This would destroy intestinal worms in your body.
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